Over the past year increased the average coefficient by country, based on the accidents.
This does not mean that accidents have to happen more often. Just now the details are no longer secret. So the coefficient of bonus-Malus now.
It is worth Recalling that last year began to work as a auto base car insurance stories – AIS RAMI. Now the system is almost 100% information on mandatory insurance of car owners. First, we added data for 2011-2012, and this is no small number of contracts 78. 7 million. Data for 2013 were added as they become available. In the end, for 12 months in air SAR data were added 37.8 million contracts. It also transmitted data about the changes in the CMTPL insurance, the conclusion of additional agreements. Data of this type over the past year have added 4.5 million
So, what are the benefits to the insurer is clear. The accuracy of determination of coefficient of bonus-Malus. It should be noted that when the first contract automobile liability insurance, this coefficient is equal to 1. If a whole year not a car was in an accident, the coefficient is reduced by 5% and equals 0,95. In ten years of driving without accidents it will be 0.5. Below zero, it can't, because such is the decree of the government. Thus, the driver can receive a 50% discount on the issue of insurance due to careful driving.
If the driver has got only one crash in 12 months and the insurer was paying for it, then next year this ratio will reach a 1.55. You can only lower the drive without accidents. Thus, to return to the initial level, you will need to go without accidents for 3 years. If during the year for the driver's insurer had to pay twice and more, the bonus-Malus reaches of 2.45. But reducing this to level 1 will require 5 years accident-free.
Many motorists decided to cheat and getting into an accident, not to buy a new policy for the increased cost changed insurance company, and insurance bad story just not told. The emergence of the air base the PCA will avoid these.
For this reason, the average coefficient of bonus-Malus, which had a tendency of decrease every year, rose slightly in the past and now he is 0.88. For comparison, in 2011 he was 0,86, and in 2012 is 0.84. If the driver wants to cheat the insurance company, and say that never was in an accident, but when checking on the basis of the accident will be found, for which it will receive a factor of 1.5. This will be the punishment for false information.
Good drivers from the base of calamus of the PCA will also be its use. This is the assurance of a kind that any insurance firm he will receive exactly the ratio it deserves. But, it is worth noting that not all insurance companies consider this feature useful. Some of them, among them are "long-livers" of the market, decided to capitalize on clients using AIS RAMI. They sold insurance policies even for drivers without accidents, who are insured in the company, with a single coefficient. Motivated by the fact that they are not information. Not all motorists are left after similar proposals to other companies. Some had purchased the policy on unfair terms. Because in some distant areas have little choice of insurers.
But in the Union of insurers of Russia has assured us that this fair has a coefficient of bonus-Malus is very easy to appeal. Because our database AIS RAMI provides information about contracts over the past year, but also for the previous two. If earlier a person was a factor of 0.7, where he suddenly became he of 1 if no insurance claims?
In order to challenge the proposed factor, the vehicle owner must file a complaint to the PCA or the Central Bank (the regulator of the insurance market). Better, of course, in both instances rhinestones. According to the PCA, only in the past year, they received around 1500 complaints because it has the coefficient. All cases were subjected to scrutiny, and justice is restored.
There is another news regarding the CTP. But rather on the international version of the "Green card", you have to make when you travel abroad by car. From 1 April this year, such maps shall be in electronic mode. Now carried out the experimental design of such cards in the Kaliningrad region.
This means that the policy now will not write a regular pen on a piece of paper and it will print on the printer. About it information will be forwarded online to the SAR base. Although, still there is some time lag in the transmission of information. From the gap is five days. Insurers collected less than a year to develop the system properly. And possibly as early as January 1 new year be in the database really online and instantly. This responsiveness will provide an opportunity to negotiate with the border guard service or customs office for your Green card when traveling abroad. Indeed, to this day, many agents of the insurers abroad, breaking all the rules of the system, to sell your policy for cars of Russians at the border. Most such glory earned by insurance companies of Lithuania.
So be careful and always watch out for your insurance history, so as not to fall into the trap of unscrupulous agents.