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How to survive the pension reform and stay in the money

June 28. The increase in the retirement age has impressed the public, which is now in full swing discussing the negative consequences of such...
expectations of citizens, economic forecasts, economic growth, economic downturn, Russian economy, expert opinion, what awaits Russians

Expectations vs reality

June 19. Before the election of the President of the Russian Federation, the Russians hoped to improve the economic situation in the country, but...
The VAT increase in VAT, which will be after the VAT increase is how much the Russians would pay for the increase in VAT, value added tax

As every Russian will pay for the VAT increase

June 18th. The government has decided to increase the value added tax (VAT) from 18% to 20% from 2019. The most significant impact this...
gasoline, Russia, where gasoline fell, gasoline prices

Where have gasoline prices fallen in Russia

May 29. Gasoline at a cost cheaper than 39 rubles per liter can be bought in 5 of 85 regions of Russia, namely: ingush...
increase in gasoline prices, increase in gasoline prices, increase in fuel prices, gasoline prices in retail, the cost of diesel fuel 2018

The Cabinet will take up gasoline

May 25. In the second half of the year, it is planned to reduce excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel. This measure is...
Vladimir Putin, Crimean bridge, bridge over the Kerch Strait, why built the Crimean bridge, why Russia bridge to the Crimea

Why Putin Crimean bridge

May 22. May 15, 2018, a solemn opening ultragroove bridge from Krasnodar Krai on the Crimean Peninsula. About 228 billion rubles were spent on...
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Preferential car loan: how to take 7 steps. Advice to borrowers

What are the advantages of state subsidies for car loans? How to take a preferential car loan? What cars can be purchased on preferential...
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Russia was allowed to withdraw crypto-currency for debts

May 08. The ninth court of appeals of Moscow allowed to include cryptocurrency in the bankruptcy estate of debtors. Now all the country's lawyers...
dividends dividends in 2018, growing income from dividends income from dividends in 2018, income stock 2018, the dividend income

The biggest dividends

May 07. The volume of dividends paid to companies whose shares are traded on the Moscow exchange is growing annually by an average of...
whether cigarettes will rise in price in 2018, the price of cigarettes 2018, where they import cigarettes into Russia, excise taxes on cigarettes, the forecast of prices for cigarettes 2018

Will cigarettes rise in price in Russia

April 18th. The sanctions proposed by Russian deputies against the US are unlikely to affect the market of tobacco products and its key players. Last...
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