The ranking of names for newborns

popular female names 2019, popular male names 2019, popular names for girls, popular names for boys as girls are called, unusual names for girls, unusual names for boys

Moscow registry office published a rating of the most popular and most unusual names for newborns.

In the top 3 most popular male names this spring included:

  • Alexander;
  • Maxim;

Girls most often called:

  • Sofia (Sophia);
  • Alexandra;

These names have been popular for several years.

The most unusual name of this spring called the girl, born in Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo. Parents asked to record the girl Arya – in honor of the heroine of the series "Game of thrones". By the way, "the employee who fills out the birth certificate of the baby, not confused and congratulated the couple with the phrase on the Valyrian language (the fictional language of the series). In response, the parents thanked the employee for the attention and for the quality of service," the official website of the mayor of Moscow reports.

Reference: for 8 seasons of the series it is already 18 Arya, born in Moscow.

Other unusual female names:

  • Linda;
  • Augustine;
  • Dominica;
  • Radomir;
  • Capitoline;
  • Alexandra Jane.

Among the unusual names for boys:

  • Overexposure;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Ustin;
  • Phil;Marcel;
  • Groin;

What is your favorite male and/or female name? Would you call the child an unusual name?

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