Memory photo or camera commit violations of the SDA

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More and more motorists receive fines from the cameras photos and video recording, not even noticing that passed under the cameras. Very often camera hidden in tunnels or under bridges. These cameras record traffic violations in video and photo format. This article will talk about the origin of cameras commit violations, then, how they work, what types exist at the moment and, of course. How to avoid a fine, fixed this camera.

How it all began

How to operate the camera fixation

What are the camera fixation

"Fighting" with cameras

How and within what time a penalty gets a receipt to the violator

What to do if you disagree with a penalty

4 ways how not to pay a fine, fixed by the camera

How it all began

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

In 1958 in London on the roads began to mount the first systems of check and control the speed of vehicles. The installation of these cameras was connected not with the police, and racing.

Camera support and speed control was designed by a racer from Holland Maurice Gatsonides. He, with the help of this camera, documented his achievements and failures on the track during the races. However, gradually departs from Gatsonides of motor sport and become a businessman. Former racer reveals a company called Gatsometer BV, which specialized in the production of tracking systems.

Initially the company was engaged in the development and production of conventional stationary radar, then began to appear, and portable. Gradually the company began producing a variety of devices and systems for controlling and fixing the speed of vehicles.

The first customer development main Department of the UK police. Gradually began to appear and foreign customers. Today Gatso cameras are used around the world.

The first camera appeared in Russia at the Minsk highway and St. Demetrius and gradually spread throughout the country.

How to operate the camera fixation

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

In most cameras use a method of echolocation: from the object (car) reflects a large number of signals arriving at the device. The device calculates the distance traveled by the object during the period between signals, based on these data, the device calculates the speed.

Modern cameras when calculating speed are video and photographic images of a moving object. These photographs are then used for mailing "happiness letters" - summonses for violation of traffic Rules, which are sent by mail.

Another method of operation of the camera – laser beam. The beam falls on the vehicle at a certain angle. The vehicle speed is calculated by the equation for the Doppler effect.

What are the camera fixation

In order to choose the right radar detector or radar detector, you need to know which radars are used by the patrols of traffic police (GAI). Primary radars used by traffic police, form a rather extensive list.

All the cameras, the fixing rate can be divided into two main types:

- mobile (mobile);

- stationary (installed in a certain place).

It also includes mobile radars installed in patrol vehicles, on tripods (including manual) and device for covert surveillance.

The speed of the vehicle measured by the system, it can be instant and average.

Tracking systems are constantly being upgraded. Currently, there are not only systems that can detect the speed, but also other violations. For example, exit at a red light, departure on a strip of public transport, etc.
Camera views:

- Avtodoriya

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

Complex radars. Equipped with camera, GLONASS receiver, a computing module, a digital signature, a 3G-modem and IR illuminator. Captures a passing car, state car sign, GLONASS-the receiver receives the coordinates of the point where the car drove. On this road, at distances from 500 m to 10 kV from the first complex is this camera, which again captures the car and the room and the time traveling car. These two systems are compared by dividing the distance in time, calculating, thereby, the average speed of the car. If the speed exceeds that allowed for the road section, a monetary penalty. Basically, so far, these systems are installed on the roads of Moscow, Kazan, Moscow, Naberezhnye Chelny and Samara. In Moscow and the Moscow region cameras installed in more than 60 places, the main risk areas are: highway M-5 on the line Moscow-Ryazan, Moscow river embankment, the Grand Kremlin bridge and others In Kazan on the streets: the new Davlekanovskiy, Chuikov, Sibghat Hakim, forest, Chuikov, Siberian tract, avenues Yamasheva, Amirkhan and Victory of, the highway "Kazan – Orenburg" - "Kazan – Borovoye i.e. rivers" in the direction of Kazan (3-5 and 7 – 8 km).


camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

A stationary system. Data format: JPG, picture resolution not less than 640x480 pixels. Measures the speed in the range of 20 – 250 km/h. This system comes complete with brackets, lightning protection devices and power supply from the mains of 220 V. the length of the control zone up to 8 m, width – less than 10 meters Simultaneously monitor 2 lanes. Photos of violations are transmitted to the processing center via a radio or wired network. The photos include the date, time of the violation, as well as the car and its speed. Additionally the data is stored on-site control and permitted in this location the maximum speed.

- ARENA – 2 – fixed system. Unlike the previous one – a waterproof box.

- Spark

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

The video, which includes measuring the speed of "Iskra-1", camera, remote control and monitor. The complex is used for visual control over the traffic situation, documenting violations of traffic Rules. Works while driving a patrol car. Range – 800 m. speed Range 20 – 240 km/h. the data retention of memory in 10 minutes. Captures the traffic situation, automatically measure and make a frame speed of movement of vehicles, date and time, direction of movement of the vehicle, distinguish the registration number of the vehicle at a range of 100 m.


camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

Video recorder speedometer. Allows you to measure the speed in the stationary and patrol modes, for distances greater than 400 meters Has a precision lens with 10x magnification. Makes high quality pictures in low light of 2.5 Lux. This complex can operate in two modes: control without speed measurement and control with measurement of speed. In response to numerous complaints of drivers with the performance of this device, numerous court hearings, the instrument was finalized. Replaced VISER received a new device VIZIR 2M.


camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

Requirement to provide complex. The main distinguishing feature is the high accuracy of definition of speed of movement of vehicles and the possibility of rapid transmission of data on the offender in the Central computing center. Can simultaneously control three and even four lanes in two directions. On the tests, CORDON showed that can simultaneously collect information about 32 cars. The optimal angle is an angle of 15-20 degrees to the axis line. Install video camera detector at a height of 5-6 meters. Power is supplied from a standard source voltage of 220 volts. The system records the violation and leaves the memory of two pictures: an image of a driver of the vehicle state and plate of the car. In memory also information about the date of the violation, the exact time, geographical coordinates, sensor identification data. These systems record not only speeding, but also driving the wrong way on a public transport lane and violation ryadnosti movement. At night, thanks to infrared illumination, the device works perfectly.


camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

Requirement to provide complex. There are stationary (CHRIS-C) and mobile (CHRIS-P). The mobile version can also recognize the state of the room, to shoo them on databases of the Federal and regional level and to transfer the data to the post of DPS. Usually installed near the edge of the carriageway on a tripod. The camera captures the intruder with all the data. The received data is forwarded to Central receiving point. The range of speed of 150 m. the Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h Error of measurement +/- 1 km/h. operating conditions: temperature from -30 to + 500C, relative humidity 90% at +300C. Miproperty interval is 2 years, service life at least 6 years.



Radar (can operate in steady state (ST version) and mobile (M). The nickname "Arrow". A unique radar system that can monitor violations at a distance of 1 km the Driver at that distance cannot see the arrow, therefore, cannot avoid liability for infringement. Unless, of course, he didn't know how to avoid punishment for violation. Can simultaneously monitor up to five lanes and the public transport lane. The radar operates as follows: pulses are emitted, which are distributed throughout stream road, the cars reflected signal, the reflected signal enters the unit quick conversion that generates data about speed and distance of the car. At the same time, the digital camera transmits a signal to the program of pattern recognition, identifies moving vehicles and calculates their coordinates and then plots the trajectory of their motion and determines the approximate speed. Data analyzer and radar are transferred to the software cross-correlation, correlating the indicators, detects vehicles that exceed the speed and as they approached to a distance of 50m photographed.

- Rapier

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

Stationary radar. Can be integrated into any complex or be used independently. Installed at a height of 9 m and an angle of 25 degrees to the roadway. Exercises control in the narrow area of observation. Operates in the pulsed K band range Captures the state signs, speed limits violations, overtaking. Rate range 20 – 250 km / h. Can work in temperature range -40 to +600C.

- PKS-4


The system of fixing violations. The device consists of a set of video cameras, combined with the detector. Works using the pulse mode, at a frequency To the gigahertz range 24,16 + 100 megahertz. PC-4 monitors the speed of vehicles only in a certain range. All recorded information is displayed on the computer screen, then printed.

"Fighting" with cameras

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

The most well-known means of dealing with cameras is a radar detector. There are radar detectors that suppress the signals received from the radar, which leads to the fact that the system receives in response interference. This radar is suitable for the "fight" with devices built on the principle of echolocation.

"Fighting" with the camera depends on the type of cameras used on the roads of the city.

To fight Avtodora those who likes to drive fast, but does not like to pay for it, you can purchase a radar detector with a GPS module, with which a radar detector will communicate with the database and, based on the sad experiences of other car owners who fell under the violation, and warn its owner about the camera in advance. Best of all, 3 against Avtodor operate a radar detector: Whistler Pro-99ST EN GPS Street Storm STR-9540EX and Sho-Me G-800 STR.

ARENA. Most modern radar detectors, both low and expensive, catch this type of detector.

To deceive the VIEWFINDER difficult, but possible. Drivers prefer radar detectors or radar detectors. Among radar detectors is against the VIEWFINDER, the most effective is EN Cobra Generation II. Also suitable radar detectors (operating in the Ka-band) Whistler and CRUNCH.

ARROW. Most modern radar detectors and radar detectors catch the Arrow ARTICLE at a considerable distance.

Rapier. To fight with Rapier, you can use a regular radar detectors (e.g., CRUNCH, Cobra, Sho-Me 520, Escort), more sophisticated detectors (BLINDER X-TREME).

PKS-4. To combat this system produced many radar detectors or radar detectors. Effective against PC radar detectors from companies such as:CRUNCH, Cobra, Sho-me.

Of course, the best protection against radar is to study before you travel maps (places) setup radar systems. Of course, this method will not protect you from mobile radars, offered by the DPS. But allows to avoid "happiness letters" from stationary cameras.

How and within what time a penalty gets a receipt to the violator


In case of revealing of an administrative offence, which is dealt with in Chapter 12 of the administrative code, and recorded in automatic mode with special technical means having the function of video and photographic images, a Protocol on administrative offence is not made, the resolution on case about administrative violation shall be made without the participation of the person.

A copy of the decision in a case concerning an administrative offence with the Appendix of materials, which were obtained with the use of technical means, operating in automatic mode, is made by translating the electronic document into a paper document.

Copies of the decision in a case concerning an administrative offence and the materials received with application of technical means, operating in automatic mode, sent to the person against whom a criminal case concerning an administrative offence, or by mail by registered mail within 3 days from the date of judgment.

What to do if you disagree with a penalty

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

If the motorist does not agree with the violation, it is necessary to appeal against the resolution on case about administrative violation. This ruling can be appealed by the person against whom the proceedings on administrative offence, the lawful representative of a natural or legal person, victim or defender.

Appeal is made to a superior body, superior official or district court at the place of the hearing.

The complaint is filed with the court, the authority officials who during the 3-day period from the date of receipt of the complaint shall send it with all materials of the case to the appropriate court, superior body, superior official.

Complaint tax does not apply. It can be filed within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the resolution. In case of missing the deadline, at the request of the person who submits the complaint, the term may be renewed by the judge or official authorized to consider the complaint.

4 ways how not to pay a fine, fixed by the camera

camera fixing speed, types of cameras speed, SPARK, SIGHT, ARROW, ARROW, how not to pay a fine camera, how to appeal the fine from the camera chain letter

How not to pay the fine, come in "chain letter" of interest to many drivers. Especially distrustful of the Russian motorists become the system after repeated appearance in the media of the data about faults in the system auto-commit violations.

Of course, the only true and proper way to avoid fines is to obey the rules of the road. But what about those who, for whatever reason, violated traffic rules? Consider ways to avoid paying the fine.

The first way is the dirt on the roads – not my fault.

Camera fix of a traffic violator can only be on state numbers. They must be readable. In the snow, slush room to read is almost impossible, therefore, even violating traffic rules, can pass under the cameras quietly. To read room the camera will not be able, accordingly, the letter could not come. However, as discussed on automotive forums, there is a unit Arrow, this device is able to recognize and fix completely muddy up state signs.

The second way is transit.

The owner has the right to remove from the register the car, obtain transit plates and sell the car. By law the new owner has 10 days to that to put the car on the account. However, practice shows that this period may last a lot longer if there are several copies of the contract of sale with a blank date. The date can be changed once in 10 days.

The third way – the car – the foreigner

Cars with foreign government signs a real headache of inspectors of traffic police. This method involves the purchase of a car by power of attorney abroad. For example, purchasing a car in Belarus, Moldova or Latvia. Under current law, the owner (a Russian citizen) has a right to travel by car in Russia for 6 months. Rooms are foreign, respectively, in the database of the traffic police do not. If you use this method when you cross the state border, so as not to break the rules of registration.

The fourth way – the renewal.

So far, this method is still valid. Its essence lies in the re-registration of the vehicle to a person who is exempt from the payment of fines. Cars rarely register on the children, on a person serving a term of imprisonment. When there is a need to form the fine, the traffic police will decide whether to prove the guilt of the driver actually was driving at the time of the breach, either to cancel the penalty on minors. A minor is not subject to law because of age, respectively, to administrative responsibility it cannot be held. Usually in such cases the traffic police, where a child (the owner) said that the vehicle driven by another man, about which the child has no concept. After these words, parent, guardian, custodian usually accountable for the neglect of the property, however, the Protocol is not formed. Responsibility comes in almost one case – when the camera captures the driver's face. However, before you prosecute the actual driver, it may take much time and litigation.

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