Is Aliens exist?

alien signal from outer space, Russian astronauts, zafiksirovany a strong signal, the telescope picked up a signal, a powerful signal from aliens, inoplanetnyi, extraterrestrial civilization

01 September. A sensation almost universal scale called the Russian scientists that astronomers have recorded extraterrestrial signal of unknown origin. Of course, the message headers are catchy, for example: "Russian astronomers have recorded an alien signal", "Hunters aliens caught an unusual signal from a nearby star. A special highlight of the situation gave the message that the signal was caught a year ago, but it was hidden from the public.

And revealed "secret" American Paul Gilster. He told the world that the Zelenchukskaya telescope of the Observatory was able to capture the signal of an extraterrestrial civilization, which was shipped from HD164595 star system in the constellation Hercules. As Paul Gilster this signal may be evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilization, as a space object in 8 – 10 times brighter than the Moon.

The news immediately struck a chord with the other "inoplanetyan". So, Seth Shostak, a member of the SETI project engaged in the search for extraterrestrial life, spoke cautiously: "As often happens, there is no way to prove that something is there, until you get the repeated signal". Moreover, Seth Shostak generally doubt that such a signal could send representatives reasonable civilization. "The signal is too powerful, would be able to send the object from us, at the distance of 94 light years, because that would take 50 trillion watts, which is more than the consumption of all mankind in a second."

alien signal from outer space, Russian astronauts, zafiksirovany a strong signal, the telescope picked up a signal, a powerful signal from aliens, inoplanetnyi, extraterrestrial civilization

The same opinion and scientific officer of the Special astronomical Observatory Oleg Verkhodanov. "In principle, such a strong signal may come from space, but this is doubtful for several reasons". Could send such a signal of an extraterrestrial civilization? In principle, Yes, said Verkhodanov, but only in one case. The energy necessary to take on the stars, but then it will not be visible in an optical telescope. Therefore, most likely, the reason for the strange signal earth. For example, the signal from overflying satellite.

Researcher of the Special astrophysical Observatory of RAS Yulia Sotnikova also do not share the optimism of inoplanetyan". In her opinion, an unusual signal caused by the interference of terrestrial origin, and not a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization. However, with the opinion Sotnikova did not agreed the head of these observations, senior researcher, Institute of nuclear physics, Moscow state University, author of several studies on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence Alexander Panov.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" interviewed Alexander Panov. "I do not agree with the findings of Sotnikova. The telescope RTAN-600 we are studying about three dozen space objects. In one of these observations we recorded unusually strong signal, which did not recur. We calculated the probability that the noise, i.e. the signal is of terrestrial origin. It was very small and 0.0001. So everything looks contrary to what is said Sotnikova. But it was actually need to understand.

Moreover, the lords do not agree with the power source. In his opinion, it is about 1 GW, and this means that no superenergy not required. It turns out that scientists don't understand the phenomenon, put forward various hypotheses. So, the rights of lords, the phenomenon must easy to understand.

alien signal from outer space, Russian astronauts, zafiksirovany a strong signal, the telescope picked up a signal, a powerful signal from aliens, inoplanetnyi, extraterrestrial civilization

And besides, why the sensation about a year kept a secret? Astronomers around the world could then turn their telescopes to this mysterious region. According to Panov, the scientists had to raise all the measurement data in 2015, to thoroughly investigate them, conduct their analysis and to repeatedly re-check. Ready for the world by scientists strange sensation, to put it mildly, is not a scientific approach.

But the leak happened and now the whole world is wondering, what kind of signal was intercepted by Russian astronauts.

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