Review of prices for the car in August 2014 on the market of Novosibirsk

the price of the car Novosibirsk, the Novosibirsk market

Compared with the previous month in August, sales declined. In the first half of August was quiet, buyers were few, even on weekends. Sales were few. Fresh replenishments of the few empty seats on the market of Novosibirsk was quite a lot.

The second half of August the situation has not changed – buyers do not, the number of sellers has also increased. The market is emptying. Experts believe that it's not the holiday season, after all, if a person needs a car, he goes on vacation and goes to buy a car. Most likely, the sales decline was the result of General trends for the reduction of sales of used cars and new cars.

Analyzing the market, you can see that there is still a demand for cars with low price of Japanese cars and products of "AVTOVAZ" cost from 200 – 250 thousand rubles, the sale of Japanese cars 2009-2011 release no mileage has dropped significantly. This can be seen on the big sellers (they had 20 cars, now there are only 10-12).

In the last days of August the situation has not changed much. Actual purchases were very few. Sellers hope that the situation will change in September.

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