Scammers on the road

fraudsters on the road, road bases, hit a pedestrian, disguised cheaters, fraud on the roads, the crooks on the roads, road bases

Almost any driver can tell you some horror stories about the road scams that happened with himself or with his friends. The most common types of fraud road, and also the most effective ways of dealing with each of them, will be discussed in this article.

Car setup

The theft of the car

Hit a pedestrian

The attack at a traffic light

Please help

Disguised cheaters

Car setup

fraudsters on the road, road bases, hit a pedestrian, disguised cheaters, fraud on the roads, the crooks on the roads, road bases

Fraudsters use two prestigious car of the new lineup. One car is very "in a hurry" and herding future "victim" of his series. The second front vehicle is rear right (in the so-called "blind spot mirrors). As soon as the "victim" begins to maneuver, the car following behind, increases speed and is inserted under the collision, the passenger shell of the car throws out the window a plastic bottle, simulating the collision with a car a "victim".

Further events are developing at a very simple scenario. During one the scammer explains to the motorist how to drive, the second scratches the rear fender of the victim (to prove the accident). The main purpose of speculators – get quick money from the victim. For them it is especially important that the client was in full confidence that it is a real accident that happened due to his fault.

What to do in this case?

First of all, you must close the vehicle and call the traffic police and insurance company. The scene of the accident in any case can not leave. Typically, the fraudsters behind, when you see that something goes not according to their scenario.

Then you must wait for the arrival of traffic police and to record this avtopodstavy in the Protocol.

The theft of the car

fraudsters on the road, road bases, hit a pedestrian, disguised cheaters, fraud on the roads, the crooks on the roads, road bases

One crook distracts the driver (for example, asks to see the map right turn). At this time, another con man steals from salon valuable things.

What to do in this case?

The recommendation here is simple. Once you got into the car, immediately lock the doors, with strangers should communicate only through a little open window. If you leave your car, do not leave anything of value inside the cabin. If necessary, put everything in the trunk.

If someone were to notice anything valuable in the cabin, it will break the glass and take the value itself. Sometimes the value of what is stolen is much less than you need to spend to replace glass.

Hit a pedestrian

fraudsters on the road, road bases, hit a pedestrian, disguised cheaters, fraud on the roads, the crooks on the roads, road bases

Fraudsters often mimic hitting a pedestrian. It looks all pretty believable. One scammer goes along the row of cars, talking on the phone with his partner who tells him where to go (recording on video). When the "victim" is selected, it gives a signal to the first crook, and he begins to cross the road and falls on the hood of the car "victims".

Then played the show with an apology to the owner of the car and the belief that claims of fraud no no. The victim and the con man are forgiven, but it doesn't stop there, because the whole incident recorded on camera. After a while the "victim" begin to blackmail. Presented the solution to a medical examination, there are witnesses. In the end, it threatens criminal liability, because there was a pedestrian accident and the driver fled the scene of an accident (according to the criminals).

What to do in this situation?

The correct solution is to call the insurance company, call the traffic police personnel who are well aware of such situations. You can also ask the victim a receipt about the lack on his part claims. You need two witnesses and their passport data. Scammers such receipts are not available, but under this impact, the receipt you will be able to help.

The attack at a traffic light

fraudsters on the road, road bases, hit a pedestrian, disguised cheaters, fraud on the roads, the crooks on the roads, road bases

The car stops at a traffic light. At this time it to penetrate the fraud. Further developments it is not difficult to predict. There was a case when in such a situation, one driver managed to fight back with the help of the police and man-made accidents. However, all could have ended much worse. But if in such a situation would be a weak girl?

What to do?

Once you got into the car, immediately lock the doors. Do not expect that this will not happen.

Please help

fraudsters on the road, road bases, hit a pedestrian, disguised cheaters, fraud on the roads, the crooks on the roads, road bases

This method is practiced by Gypsies using the "broken" car. Their goal is to stop the car. Then they ask for oil, gasoline, offer to purchase gold and jewelry. While you are busy stealing from the car value. They may ask to drive someone to the hospital. It is clear that to the hospital you can't get in.

What to do?

In this situation it is better not to stay close to another car. Find out the distance you want, and then go on. On the phone tell about the incident to the police.

Disguised cheaters

fraudsters on the road, road bases, hit a pedestrian, disguised cheaters, fraud on the roads, the crooks on the roads, road bases

Scammers driving around in ordinary cars in the form very similar to the uniforms of the police. These scammers are trying to penalize drivers and trying to sell them "environmental stamps" that don't exist. Remember that the present police must be in uniform with a special badge. Real police patrol the streets only in the official car with blue license plates. When you stop the car, he must introduce himself, and at the request of the driver, to produce his business card.

What to do in this situation?

If you are on the track stopped by the traffic police, which is in doubt (for example, the shape is different from the shape of the traffic police, no badge, car without any special symbols), you can stay quite a bit to lower the glass. If you doubt the authenticity of the employee, immediately ask for identification, write the badge number and name of the inspector. Don't leave the car, call the police and inquire as to whether this inspector to patrol this stretch of highway.

Have a good trip!

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