Can work to ensure wealth?

work for hire,

From childhood a person learns to work. A child looks at their parents, absorb their ideology. Many parents teach their children to think stereotypically. It is planned that the child grows up, goes to kindergarten, then to school, then to College, then start to work and earn money. This path runs almost every. Points can certainly change, but overall the way like this.
What's next? Further work, work and more work. However, does the job really to ensure the happy and wealthy life? Let's sort this out.

Working for somebody else, you will never be able to truly live. You will always depend on "someone". It is this "uncle" will pay you wages for certain work. It provides you with a workplace. It is this "uncle" who decides when you go on vacation whenever you need to come and go from work and a lot of different things.

Working "on an uncle", you get only a relative confidence in the future. You know that, most likely, you will receive at the end of the month the promised wages. Again, the "uncle" can be reduced, if you find some error in your work.

But what to do? Because we all need money to live. Where can you find them? It is as though banal did not sound, but need to work on yourself. Of course, it's not easy, many fear it. However, without difficulties is impossible to achieve something in truth great. There is even a saying: "easily not pull the fish from the pond." Nobody has invented the button "money", clicking on which could receive as much as they want of funds.

Most importantly do not be afraid! The work of "uncle" will never bring as much as you can earn working for yourself. Moreover, doing something that you truly like, you will be able to combine hobby and getting money. Of course, in their own business they did it. Here and there there are any pitfalls, but the main thing is not to turn back. To "uncle" you can always come back! Good luck in your endeavors. If you have any questions, ask in comments.

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