Luck or hard work lead to wealth?


Looking at the lives of successful people, you can see that before becoming successful, they are very a lot of and fruitfully worked. You can find many stories that describe their success stories.

However, not only hard work helped them become successful. Another important component of success is luck. Yes, luck helps people to become successful the truth.

Luck is not watching your mind, beauty, talent. Luck is a happy accident. Now to understand that luck has come to you, do not miss it and take advantage of this happy occasion, then you can become a successful person.

However, this does not mean you have to completely rely on luck and not to do. Waiting for his happy occasion, you need to work hard. Luck loves those who are moving to your dream.

You say that man himself is the architect of his own fortune. Possible. But luck and also random. For example, at birth you couldn't choose your family, where would you like to be born. However, most people born in good families where do not abuse bad habits, do everything for the child (i.e. you) grow up healthy, happy, try to give you the maximum knowledge for your future life. This is your first lucky accident – you are already lucky that you were born in such a family.

However, even being born in a wonderful and loving family you are, you are not guaranteed to become a successful person. Without your desire and hard work, nothing good will come of it.

Luck is chance, which you can use, and you can just pass by. Remember that if you feel that you are not lucky in life, maybe you just don't see that luck is constantly trying to help? After a successful become resistant people who don't quit at the first failure, and go to your goal. Luck only gives you a chance to succeed, but the process of achieving the goal – it is entirely your job. Remember that to become successful, you need to do what nobody has done before, to do something better than millions of others and never give up from achieving your goal.

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