Heavy burden of hospitality

проблема с беженцами, помощь беженцам, беженцы из Украины

How to help Ukrainian refugees settle in Russia.

When in the news there are reports that millions of refugees are currently in Russia, the news somehow does not fit in the minds of Russians, many don't believe it. However, experts admit that this figure may be slightly inflated, millions is the number of border crossings. Keep a personal accounting impossible, when there are fights, but some refugees go to visit their relatives in Ukraine and when I return, fall back into the base guards.

However, experts do not doubt that the grandiose figure is close to reality. But it is hard to imagine how much it helpless the elderly, the disabled, children, how many human tragedies... All of them need medical care, a roof over my head. We will remind, according to the FMS, published recently, Russia received more than a million refugees from the South-East of Ukraine.

For comparison: in the European Union is currently debate about how to allocate just 40 thousand Africans. The problem of refugees from Africa reported in the press. Africans arrive in a frail little boat, hiding in the holds, are dying EN masse. The numbers of dead are terrifying. But representatives of developed countries stubbornly refuse to accept the "extra" people. After analyzing this situation, it can be quite comforting conclusion: not everything is bad in Russia with humanity as it might seem at first glance.

Funding for the refugee problem

the problem with the refugees, help refugees, refugees from Ukraine

In 2014 from the Federal budget has allocated nearly 5 billion rubles to Finance the problem. Of course, they already distributed, however, the government is preparing shortly to return to the question of Finance. "Russia spends a lot of funds to support refugees from Ukraine", - said Mr. bays HAC-Voya (the representative of the office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees in Russia).

All the world knows that Russia could take such a number of refugees, thanks to the dedication of the Russian people. When an influx of refugees, ordinary Russian citizens hurried to shelter, feed escaped from the war. In 2014, the Russians were not perturbed when they interrupted the rest of their children as a summer camp were given for temporary accommodation of refugees, patiently react to the fact that in clinics without patients were taking the refugees considered fair that part of the budget places in Universities was given to Ukrainian students. Thousands of families have supported their relatives and friends from Ukraine.


However, the burden of hospitality is impossible to carry forever, over the past year and a half have accumulated fatigue. Plus the crisis – we are all over the half-year have become poorer. And victims of war keep piling up. Nobody knows what lies ahead.

Refugees, like all people are different. There are insolent. As something present at the scene when aggressive people demanded the mayor of a small town to give him from the apartment or to Lodge in a five star hotel. It would be a sin for one such entity to take offense to refugees, but such is the essence of all humanity: one judge of many.

Where are the myths

Unfortunately, to maintain a high degree of empathy is extremely difficult. And we did not succeed. There were different bad rumors about the refugees. And main generator of rumors of so-called TACs. Of the allocated $ 5 billion, the lion's share (3.6 billion rubles) went to the PVR contents. In 2014 urgently were opened 600 Purow, even in Yakutsk (where some of the refugees brought by deception from the Crimea, and they didn't know how to get out of there). By the end of July 2015 open left 372 PVR, they are placed a little more than 20 thousand people. It's a million!

Myth, by perturbing the whole community, emerged from the PVR, but rumor made it available to all refugees: "Yes it is 800 rubles per day is issued directly into the hands! Every day!". Of course, living in TACs of money don't get on each state spends per day for 800 rubles. The money must go (but the question is, go?) on the meals, salaries of staff, utilities. Refugees are automatically transferred to the state standard, approved for citizens of the Russian Federation affected by emergency situations – floods, fires. Humane?

However, our government not so rich to spend per person on PVR at 24 thousand rubles per month. And because TACs are not only vulnerable citizens, but also young, healthy people. Live for a year. Do I need to clarify that in the atmosphere, when you're paid, no incentive to work, you experience the dependency.

Now solved most of the TACs to close. If I could suggest that such war drags on, would spend the funds more wisely. How much money have invested the regions of their budgets.

For the second year in the regions hosting refugees, work of the coordination Commission. Every week going to "headquarters." to discuss burning issues. Regional leaders trying to resolve the problems of each family of refugees on an individual basis. But many questions focused on the stubs of our immigration laws, and then the regional authorities not in forces to help.

Regions, regions

the problem with the refugees, help refugees, refugees from Ukraine

It is absurd that refugees from Ukraine does not want to work. Of course you do! And work. But, unfortunately, most are not officially, as with the status of temporary asylum to legal work often not accepted. Employers are afraid: if the status is temporary, then that's it you can leave. Employers need permanent employees. And Russia needs permanent residents – citizens. But the path to citizenship, even through the resettlement program (in this way it is possible to rapidly obtain citizenship), refugees are trapped: registration at place of residence (registration)! Isn't this cynicism is to require registration by place of residence with a person of such "places" there, so he and the refugee.

The Council on human rights and building civil society under the President of Russia has long developed recommendations to simplify the procedure of obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainian refugees. To the credit of the FMS it should be noted that at this time the Department supported the constructive proposal of human rights defenders.

We hope that these amendments will be adopted soon.

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